Sunday, October 23, 2011

Glock is the new rock

Album: Lullaby Renditions of U2
Artist: Rockabye Baby!
Label: Baby Rock Records
Release date: 2007

RATING: 3.5/5 stars

To be honest, I didn't anticipate exactly how silly I would feel after purchasing this album - although the title of the record label suggests that foresight was probably an option. I mean, while the world rushes out in eager droves to buy Coldplay's latest offering, (yes yes, review coming soon!) I went and bought an album of lullabies...which is a hip way of saying I bought baby music. Perhaps more embarrassingly, I bought it for myself. And I think it's amazing. Which is why I'm reviewing Rockabye Baby!'s U2 collection - partly to justify the quality of my purchase, but also to acquaint you with some of the loveliest music you would never usually go looking for (hipster parents aside).

There are an astounding number of lullaby albums out there: soft, lethargic orchestrations of popular songs, watered down so as to lull baby while making parents feel remotely hip for listening to something other than Brahms. Rockabye Baby! however, is in a whole other league - and that's just the awesome War/Boy-inspired cover. it's a teddy bear, but still. Using just an array of glockenspiels, couple with gentle percussion from time to time, RB! creates one of the most uniquely gorgeous textures you will ever hear. The fascinating and unconventional instrumentation sets these lullabies apart from their soppy relatives and puts them firmly in the 'mesmerising' category.

Quite frankly, it is astonishing (and slightly hilarious, I admit) to hear ranty political anthems like opening track "Sunday Bloody Sunday" or the raunchy "Desire" turned into tinkling percussive numbers with a gently chugging beat and sparkling melody. But they're completely recognisable and rather amazing: the intricacy and accuracy of each arrangement is both surprising and beautiful, especially with more complex numbers like "Beautiful Day". Every supporting rhythm and riff is present in bafflingly lovely form and no matter how gimmicky you find the idea of glock rock, you should be at least a little impressed with the attention to detail.

But...U2 not your idea of soothing? The Coldplay album is on my wishlist already and RB! also have a mind-boggling list of other artist covers, including (but not limited to!): The Beatles, AC/DC, Madonna, The Rolling Stones, Green Day, Pink Floyd, The Ramones, Nine Inch Nails and Radiohead. I can't vouch for the others (yet...) but Coldplay hits "Yellow", "Clocks" and "Politik" are amazing on glockenspiel and with the increased song complexity comes ever-more sophisticated arrangements.

It's official: lullabies rock.

Is it worth my $$$? - They might have been designed for babies, but turns out these tunes calm stressed uni students just the same as infants. Perfect as an essay-writing background, or as a cure for exam-tomorrow-insomnia. Buy a copy and kick the tension headache!

Listen to: Sunday Bloody Sunday, Where The Streets Have No Name

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